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Top 5 Gore and Thriller Manga

Top 5 Gore and Thriller Manga

If you're talking about best manga, beginner manga reader will say Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. They are really good, but for me not good enough. Action manga must have filled with Blood and Gore, right? For your information im not a psychopath. So my suggestion is you read all my list below and compare it with Naruto, Bleach and One Piece and tell me in the comment section below which is better? Because for me action without violent is too unrealistic. So here are my top 5 gore and thriller manga

5. Btooom!

Synopsis :
Ryouta Sakamoto is unemployed and lives with his mother, his only real achievement being that he is Japan's top player of the popular online video game, "Btooom!" However, his peaceful life is about to change when he finds himself stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere, with a small, green crystal embedded in his left hand and no memory of how he got there. To his shock, someone has decided to recreate the game he is so fond of in real life, with the stakes being life or death.

Armed with a bag full of unique bombs known as "BIM," the players are tasked with killing seven of their fellow participants to obtain their green crystals, used as proof of their victory, in order to return home. Initially condemning any form of violence, Ryouta is forced to fight when he realizes that many of the other players are not as welcoming as they may seem. Teaming up with Himiko, a fellow Btooom! player who turns out to be his in-game wife, they attempt to get off of the island together, slowly coming closer and closer to the truth behind this contest of death.

Good  : The main character is brave and very skillful, drawing is so good you think you read                 a photo album, the story is interesting to follow
Bad    : The plot is not complex enough, it's all about kill, kill and kill

4. Kamisama no Iutoori

Synopsis :
Takahata Shun's day at high school begins just as normal and boring as ever, but it doesn't end that way. After his teacher's head explodes, he and his classmates find themselves forced to play children's games, such as Daruma ga Koronda (a game like Red Light/Green Light), with deadly stakes. With no idea who is behind this mysterious deadly game session, and no way of knowing when it will finally end, the only thing Shun and other students can do is keep trying to win...

Good  : Again in this kind of manga the main character must be superior than any other,                       drawing is good and the death game in the manga is so fun to read
Bad    : Too many character die and too many new character show up

3. Darwin's Game
Synopsis :
Sudo Kaname suddenly gets involved in a death game through the mysterious mobile app "Darwin's Game."

Good  : The main character actually not strong at all but he has wisdom and intelligent, the                 power all character use in this manga is unique, and the story is complex and you                     cant guess what's coming next
Bad   : Drawing just so so and new chapter come really slow

2. Dead Tube

Synopsis :
Distributing thrilling videos in secret! A school game that puts life and death on the line!

Good  : Unique story plot, top drawing and psychopath main character
Bad    : Too many nude scene but i actually like it, some people maybe dont

1. Battle Royale

Synopsis :
Every year, a class is randomly chosen to be placed in a deserted area where they are forced to kill each other in order to survive, with the events broadcast to the world. Initially believing to be on a graduation trip, Shuuya Nanahara and the rest of Shiroiwa Junior High's Class B find that they have been chosen to participate in this game of life and death known as "The Program."

Waking up to the realization that they have been quarantined on an island, the 42 students discover they have been fitted with metal collars which will detonate if certain conditions are not met. In order to obtain freedom, they must slaughter everyone else by whatever means necessary, and the last one standing is deemed the winner. As each member of the class heads down their own path, Shuuya makes it his goal to get off the island without playing the game in order to put an end to this madness once and for all.

Good  : First manga that showing a guy head chopped into 2, a man intestine came out, eye                 ball pierced and any other
Bad   : Need 5 chapter for the main character to kill 1 guy (crying 2 chapter, remembering                    the past 3 chapter)

So be sure to check my top 5 gore and thriller manga and comment what you think in the comment section below. If you disagree with my list, feel free to give your top 5 gore and thriller manga in the comment section below. Thanks and enjoy

Top 5 Shounen Manga That Specialize in Romance

Top 5 Shounen Manga That Specialize in Romance with Review

Who say that shounen is all about action and thriller? Sometimes best romance was found in shounen. With better drawing and more complex plot, i think that romance in shounen is better than shoujo. Do you agree with me? Here are top 5 shounen romance manga to prove that my argument is right

5. Good Ending

Synopsis :
GE: Good Ending follows Utsumi's interactions with Kurokawa Yuki, a member of the school tennis team, in order for Utsumi to confess his feelings to the captain of the tennis team.

Good  : Drawing look realistic and the main character is not a coward
Bad    : Too much drama make it irritating to read

4. Domestic Girlfriend
Synopsis :
Natsuo Fujii is in love with his teacher, Hina. Attempting to forget his feelings towards her, Natsuo goes to a mixer with his classmates where he meets an odd girl named Rui Tachibana. In a strange turn of events, Rui asks Natsuo to sneak out with her and do her a favor. To his surprise, their destination is Rui's house—and her request is for him to have sex with her. There's no love behind the act; she just wants to learn from the experience. Thinking that it might help him forget about Hina, Natsuo hesitantly agrees.

After this unusual encounter Natsuo now faces a new problem. With his father remarrying, he ends up with a new pair of stepsisters; unfortunately, he knows these two girls all too well. He soon finds out his new siblings are none other than Hina and Rui! Now living with both the teacher he loves and the girl with whom he had his "first time," Natsuo finds himself in an unexpected love triangle as he climbs ever closer towards adulthood.

Good  :This one still came from the same author but has fewer drama
Bad    :The english translation didnt came out each week and all the character is have                  some kind of problem

3. Pastel

Synopsis :Poor Mugi Tadano... The sixteen-year-old is heartbroken after his girlfriend moves away. To ease his troubled state, Mugi takes a summer job at his friend Kazuki's beach-side snack bar/hotel on a tropical island. It seems like the perfect plan-until Kazuki sets Mugi up on a date with Yuu, who's supposed to be, well, a little less than perfect. When Yuu arrives, however, she's not the monster that either of the boys had imagined. In fact, Yuu is about the cutest person that Mugi has ever seen. But after Mugi accidentally walks in on Yuu in the bath, the girl is steamed. When trying to apologize the next day, he discovers that Yuu has left the shores of paradise. Mugi vows to search high and low for the beautiful Yuu, but will he ever see her again?

Good  : With a little touch of comedy, this manga is fun to read 
Bad    : English translation didnt came out anymore and the romance develop really slow

2. False Love
Synopsis :
Raku Ichijou, a first-year student at Bonyari High School, is the sole heir to an intimidating yakuza family. Ten years ago, Raku promised his childhood friend that they would get married when they reunite as teenagers. To seal the deal, the girl had given Raku a closed locket, the key to which she took with her when she left him.

Now, years later, Raku has grown into a typical teenager, and all he wants is to remain as uninvolved in his yakuza background as possible while spending his school days alongside his middle school crush Kosaki Onodera. However, when the American Bee Hive Gang invades his family's turf, Raku's idyllic romantic dreams are sent for a toss as he is dragged into a frustrating conflict: Raku is to pretend that he is in a romantic relationship with Chitoge Kirisaki, the beautiful daughter of the Bee Hive's chief, so as to reduce the friction between the two groups. Unfortunately, reality could not be farther from this whopping lie—Raku and Chitoge fall in hate at first sight, as the girl is convinced he is a pathetic pushover, and in Raku's eyes, Chitoge is about as attractive as a savage gorilla. 

Nisekoi follows the daily antics of this mismatched couple who have been forced to get along for the sake of maintaining the city's peace. With many more girls popping up his life, all involved with Raku's past somehow, his search for the girl who holds his heart and his promise leads him in more unexpected directions than he expects.

Good  : Cute drawing but has complex story
Bad    : Too many filler so romance develop slowly

1. A Town Where We Live
Synopsis :
Haruto Kirishima lived a calm life out in the countryside, away from the fast-paced life of the city. Then Yuzuki Eba appeared in his life out of nowhere, having come from Tokyo to briefly live with his family. Their time together left him enamored with the memories of that short period before she just as abruptly disappeared from his life, and left him full of questions.

Kimi no Iru Machi begins some time later, after Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. In reality though he wishes to be with Yuzuki. Things don't start good though. When he arrives he is mistaken for a burglar and attacked by his sister's neighbour Mishima Asuka. After the misunderstand is cleared his feelings begin to waver though. Is Eba, who keeps avoiding him for seemingly no reason, the one for him or is it Asuka?

Good : Drawing is the best, the story make you emotional and the romance development is the best
Bad   : Didnt find it yet

So, there are my list for top 5 shounen romance manga, actually there are more of this like suzuka and ichigo 100% but i think they are still cannot compete with my top 5 shounen romance manga above.

*My list is based only on my opinion, so feel free to make your own top 5 shounen romance manga in the comment section below

Tag : shounen, romance, manga, shounen romance, top 5 romance shounen, top romance shounen

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